(I am guessing some problem with Excel CommandBar object reffered from Office. 7) But still it doesn't work for office 2000 version,but worked for Office 2003 and Office 2007 version.I am not getting commandbars on Excel 2000 Can anybody suggest me where i made the mistake. 6) All the Office inetrop dll are copied to GAC. 5) Build my project and created my Setup file. 1) Created custom interop dll of Excel 2000 using tlbimp command as : C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC>tlbimp.exe c:\Demo\Excel9.OLB /out= c:\Demo\ /keyfile:office2k.snk 2) I got Office.dll and 3) added the reference of into my project and made some changes in my project (Like Workbook.Open( 15params) to WorkBook.Open(13params) 4) Added the newly created Office.dll by removing the old as it has some complication with CommandBar object i used in my project. Microsoft Office Access is a database tool for gathering and understanding all your informationyour phone numbers, inventory, guest lists, whatever you’re trackingand providing a convenient way to enter, navigate, and report out your data. Steps i have followed to avoid this issue. Download Microsoft Office Access for free. If there any way I can repair this problem if I dont have a Mircosoft Office 2000 Premium disk.

No seperate disk was supplied with my PC for Mircosoft Office 2000. Which is why you need this encore to Microsoft® Office 2000 For Windows® For Dummies®. I do have Microsoft Office 2000 Premium loaded on my PC.its listed on Add/Remove Programs. The events are not getting fired on button Click. Mastering Access Made Easy Covers All 8 Office 2000 Programs The Microsoft Office 2000 Guide That Gives You More Microsoft Office 2000 is powerful. It works ok for users having Excel 2003 and Excel 2007 ,But it behaves differently in Excel 2000.
>The add-in creates some Commandbuttons on a Commandbar and attach some Eventhandlers to it. if you have office 2000 you must have an install cd with a booklet, the serial is on/in there.

Hi All, I have created a Excel add-in using C# 2.0 where i have used Excel 11.0 Class library.