Excel keyboard shortcuts $ $
Excel keyboard shortcuts $ $

If there is no data in the worksheet, then Ctrl + A will select all the cells in the worksheet. If there is data in the worksheet, using Ctrl + A will select the current region. This keyboard shortcut opens the Print feature in Excel, from where you can control the print settings. This keyboard shortcut would redo the undo task. When you select the range of cells and press Ctrl + R, excel would copy value of the leftmost cell to the other cells on the right. This keyboard shortcut would close the active workbook on the screen If two or more workbooks are open, then using Ctrl + Tab would display the next workbook on the screen. If a column is hidden, then press Ctrl key along with 10 will show the hidden column. If a row is hidden, then press Ctrl key along with 9 will show the hidden row.

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When there is any object embedded in the worksheet, this keyboard shortcut would show or hide the object. cuts the text from the middle) in the selected cell. This keyboard shortcut strikes the text (i.e. This keyboard shortcut underlines the text in the selected cells. This keyboard shortcut italicizes the content in the selected cell. This keyboard shortcut bolds the content in the selected cell. This keyboard shortcut opens the Format Cells dialog box where there are multiple options to format the selected cell. If the formulas are already visible, then this keyboard shortcut would hide them (i.e. Using this keyboard shortcut would show the formula in the cell (instead of the calculated result). This keyboard shortcut opens the ‘Open’ dialog box, from where you can choose the file that you want to open. If already maximized, then it would restore it down (reduce the size) Using Ctrl + F10 keyboard shortcut key would maximize the active workbook window. Using Ctrl + F9 keyboard shortcut key would Minimize the active excel workbook window When your workbook is not in maximum size, just press Ctrl + F8 and use the arrow keys (left, right, up, and down) to resize the borders of the workbook. When the excel workbook is minimized, just press Ctrl + F7, and then use the arrow keys to move the workbook window left, right, up and down. On using this keyboard shortcut combinations, the excel would activate the next open workbook Now, if you press Ctrl + F5, it will restore the size from maximum to the previous one If the Excel workbook is not in maximum size and you make it maximum. This shortcut key combination closes the active workbook visible on the screen at that point in time This shortcut opens the ‘Name Manager’ dialog box where you can define a name for a cell or cell range in Excel

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